About us

Hello, and welcome

M.B.C. is a member of the (The Association of Baptist Churches in Ireland) www.baptistsinireland.org

Mullaghameen Baptist Church is a warm community of people who will welcome you to our Sunday morning service and other events you may like attend here. We are passionate about Jesus Christ, knowing Him, and following Him, as we serve  Him in the Enniskillen area, the County of Fermanagh and beyond.We are working on being a church where believers can grow in their relationship with Jesus, care for one another as a family, and encourage one another to trust in the Good News of Jesus Christ.As well as being a place where believers can grow, we also want to be a place where those who haven’t trusted in Jesus yet may hear of His greatness and be challenged to follow Him.

Andy Compton (Pastor)
Victor Irwin
Garry Knox

William Coulter
George Miller (Treasurer)
Anita McGloin (Secretary)

Children and Youth Leaders

Alistair McFarland (Youth Leader – SUNI)
Laura Gallaher (Kids Primary Age Leader)
Sandra Knox (Child Protection)

Our History

Mullaghmeen Baptist Church came into being in 1989. For a number of weeks over the summer months seven Christians from the area and their families had been meeting in each others homes for prayer and fellowship. In recognising the need for a permanent meeting place the site and unoccupied building at Mullaghmeen came to their attention. Subsequent enquiries resulted in the purchase of this property which had been the original home of the Enniskillen Rugby Club.Having lain derelict for approximately 13 years extensive renovations and repairs to the main building were required before it could be occupied.

A wooden hall was placed in the car park and meetings on the site commenced in early September 1989. Regular weekly meetings continued with much encouragement and the church was officially contituted as a Baptist Church a short time later. Meantime work to renovate the permanent building had begun and very much with the help of voluntary labour the building was soon to become habitable and a very welcome meeting place both for locals and those visiting in the area.

What we believe

The verbal inspiration and total inerrancy of the Holy Scriptures. The Trinity of the Godhead, Father, Son & Holy Spirit. The essential deity and perfect humanity of our Lord Jesus Christ. His virgin birth, sinless life and sacrifical death on the cross for our sins. His burial and bodily resurrection and ascension to heaven. The work of the Holy Spirit in regenerating the sinner, indwelling,sancifying and empowering him to live a holy life. The personality of the devil; his evil activity and final doom. The fallen and sinful state of man The justification of the sinner through faith alone in Jesus Christ The local church as a company of baptised believers gathered together under the headship of Christ. The ordinances of Baptism and the Lord’s Supper.